Survivorship Indexed Universal Life for cash value accumulation

In a quote comparison of Survivorship Indexed Universal Life (IUL) products with cash value accumulation as the objective, Penn Mutual outperformed the competition with their “Survivor Plus IUL” plan.

A Surviviorship Indexed UL, second-to-die benefit, will tend outperform an individual Indexed UL for cash value accumulation.  The cost of insurance on two lives for one death benefit is lower than on a single life, so it makes sense for a couple to consider a survivorship product.

Here were the parameters for this case study:

Premium Amount: $250,000
Solve For:  Minimum Non-MEC *
Death Benefit Option: Increasing
Illustrative Rate assumption: 6% (all years);  S & P 500 annual point-to-point
insureds:  both mid ’50’s, both preferred non tobacco
objective: cash value accumulation, downside protection

Penn Mutual was able to solve as a “3 pay”, dividing the $250,000 premium into three annual payments, and maintain competitive cash value accumulation to a 4 pay, which is unusual.  When evaluating  a limited pay scenario, one works down from a “7 pay” non-MEC structure to see where optional cash value accumulation occurs. A 5 pay or 4 pay is most common.  Penn Mutual’s cash value accumulation was superior to the competition looking at years 5, 10, 15 and 20 and on out in 5 year increments.  PennMutual’s has a 2% floor on both its fixed and indexed account, giving their product superior downside protection.

Each case is different in age, health, premium amount and objectives, so it’s not a hard and fast conclusion that PennMutual Survivor IUL will be the superior product, but the next time a cash value accumulation case comes up Penn Mutual will be serve as a benchmark.

  •  Non-MEC =  not a Modified Endowment Contract

IUL for retirement income

What is the best way to compare Index UL (IUL) companies for cash value accumulation and loans for retirement income?  Request illustrations be emailed to you. All life permanent life insurance, whole life, UL, or IUL with non guaranteed assumptions require illustrations for the insured’s review and signature.  A competent life broker has the ability to email multiple carrier illustrations for comparison purposes.  Make specific requests for the illustration’s structure, especially index interest rates assumptions. Insist each and every carrier use the same assumptions . Then compare cash value accumulation and loans for retirement income. Relative performance of the carriers, identifying the top performer, matters more than the figures themselves, which lack validity since they are projections over too long a period of time. To overfund an IUL request:

1.  Identical  assumptions: rate classification, premium amount, index rate, number of years paying premium, loan years

2. S & P 500 Index annual point-to-point; interest assumption of 5% or at most 5.50%

Commonly presented index interest rate returns of 7% to 8%+ each and every year over 20, 30, 40 years and longer are unrealistic and highly speculative

3. Minimum face amount. Guideline annual premium: Guideline premium test  (maximum non-MEC)

Work backwards from the amount of money intended for premiums to solve for the minimum face amount that’s still within the limits as a non modified endowment contract (MEC).  Come to the agent with a figure, as in, for example, wanting to put in $15,000 a year for the next 20 years.  The initial face amount will be solved from there; it will be made as low as possible to meet IRS guidelines.  

4. Increasing death benefit for premium payment years.

5.  Set the premium payment years from 20 to 30 years.  If older, allow at least 15 years, but usually a relatively short period of time, like 15 years, isn’t enough time to build sufficient cash value to allow for retirement income loans.

This is the accumulation period.  Compare cash accumulation after the accumulation period ends.  

6. Level death benefit all years in distribution period and thereafter to age 100 or age 120

7. Loans at fixed rate or maximum variable capped rate

Ask if variable loan rate is capped. Variable loan rates are frequently based on Moody’s Corporate Bond Yield index and those rates have been much higher in the past than currently.

8. Distributions starting at age 65 or after set number of years of accumulation

9. Limited distribution period to 5, 10 or 15 years

Compare which carrier has the higher values, but do not place weight in the amount which is not a reliable value when the index interest rate return assumption is a constant

10. Solve for cash value of at least $1,000 at age 100 or $1 at age 120

Example:  male, age 35, preferred plus, $12,000 premiums 30 years at increasing death benefit; zero premiums thereafter at level death benefit; 5.50% S & P 500 annual point-to-point, minimum Non-MEC, guideline premium test, solve for maximum distributions 15 years, variable loan option at cap 5.5%, monthly loans, solve for $1,000 cash surrender value age 100

key figures to review in the illustration’s yearly summary charts:

  • year 30 – most cash value accumulation
  • years 31-46 – highest annual loans

Mt. Hood, Illustration by R.S. Gifford

Term Conversion to Indexed Universal Life (IUL)


This week I was drawn by a client inquiry into analyzing the merits of converting a term policy into permanent.  A term policy’s ace in the hole is its conversion privileges.  Health conditions may arise as the decades go by. No matter how much one’s health may have changed for the worse, if still within the conversion period, a policy owner can convert all or part of the term policy to permanent without evidence of insurability at the original rate classification.  Be sure to ask about conversion when shopping for term.  It’s the second most important consideration after lowest premium.

For the American General term policy I was reviewing, they currently offered term conversion to either an Indexed Universal Life and a whole life product.  The indexed universal life product “AG Extend IUL” offers a no lapse guarantee rider to age 100.  That’s really great news for American General term policy holders: fixed premium and coverage guarantee to age 100. It would be better to have one to age 120 and beyond, but a lengthy guarantee is much better than not one of all.  It’s one step above the 5 to 25 year no lapse for other Indexed UL or current assumption UL products.

One of the problems with Indexed Universal Life is uncertainty on how it will perform over time.  Illustration shows non guaranteed projections, and they are very speculative in both the interest rate given, and how it’s shown at that rate for all years. An agent would be tempted to show the maximum interest rate allowed by the software. Carriers based those rates based on historical averages, as in the S & P 500 over the last 30 years. So an illustration may shows the S & P 500 annual point-to-point at 7.75% or 8.00% in all years.  Yes, each and every year.   The S & P certainly doesn’t perform like that in real life.  In all years for a 45 year old that projects a positive return, each and every year, for 75 years.   I run my IUL illustration a 5%. It’s more conservative projection but still a very uncertain projection because actual performance of the indexed may vary considerably and the carrier can change cap rates, participation rates and policy charges.

That’s why a lengthy guarantee on an Indexed UL like is “AG Extend IUL” is valuable.  Set the premium to the age 100 guarantee and then down the road the policy holder can evaluate actual performance and make changes accordingly to save on premiums if that age 100 guarantee is no longer necessary. So for example, start an Indexed UL at age 54 with premiums that guarantee coverage to age 100. Then when 75 year old  and in declining health, request an inforce illustration, and project how much premium the policy will need to have coverage to age 85.

If a Guaranteed Universal Life product is offered for conversion, generally that’s a better option to take, especially for those in their 60’s or 70’s.  If only a current assumption UL or Indexed UL is offered, funding it adequately, setting the premium high for plenty of cushion for cash value accumulation is well advised.  Have the agent show illustrations with coverage cash value to endow, or worth the face amount, at age 100.  Those run at target or $1 at age 100 might have more appealing premiums but might end up being underfunded for the long haul.



Increasing death benefit option

The coverage amount for permanent life insurance can either be level or increasing death benefit.  Either the benefit always remains the same, a fixed $250k for example, or it goes up over the years: $251k, $253k, $257k, etc. Which is best?  Obviously a rising death benefit is preferable, but whether its value outweighs its additional cost depends mostly on your age. Generally when under age 60, an increasing death benefit is better. Over age 60 a level death benefit works better simply because it’s more cost effective. Those in higher income brackets usually should opt for an increasing death benefit.  This is also called a level or increasing face amount.  With life insurance the initial benefit is called the face amount, and thereafter it’s called the death benefit.

Level Death Benefit:  Option A

pros:  less expensive; builds higher cash value

cons: the value of death benefit amount erodes due to inflation; less flexible

Increasing Death Benefit:  Option B

pros:  death benefit amount rises over the years to help the policy value keep pace with inflation; better for partial surrender of cash value; better for loans; more flexible, most policies will allow the owner to change from an increasing death benefit to a level death benefit.

cons:  more expensive

An increasing death benefit is used often with Indexed Universal Life (IUL), at least in the cash value accumulation phase. For policy loans to generate tax free retirement income switching the death benefit from increasing to level produces higher income amounts.

A level death benefit is best for Guaranteed Universal Life, also called no lapse Universal Life

For current assumption Universal Life, a regular UL, an increasing death benefit is preferable since most of those plans are geared for those in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s.  A structure of an increasing death benefit UL and cost will depend on the assumption of the target case value: how much and a what age.  Typical cash value targets will be $1 or to endow, to be worth the initial face amount in cash, at either age 100 or age 120.  Whole life, the high quality ones, age guaranteed to endow at age 100.  A proper analysis of a UL should compare it structured like a whole life, to endow on the non guaranteed side at 100.  I have found, especially at younger ages. that whole life premiums are very competitive, sometimes even less expense, than a UL if they are both structured to endow at age 100.  Sometimes agents will solve a UL for $1 at age 100 to cut its cost, but for the policy holder that runs the risk of the policy underperforming and running out of cash value in later years. This was part of the problem for many UL policies written in the 1980’s and 1990’s.  At the very least the target cash value assumption at age 100 should be half of the original face amount, for example a $125k target cash value at age 100 for a $250k initial face amount.

Whole life is either level or increasing death benefit.  Participating whole life, called “par” whole life for short, offers dividends that increases the death benefit over the years.      Final expense whole life for seniors is level death benefit “non par” or non-participating whole life. They do build some cash value, but the key is the benefit amount, affordability and simplified underwriting.

Choose “par” whole life for child life insurance.  Mail offers for child life insurance are level benefit “non par” whole life, non-participating, and they are a rip off considering how much more value you get for just a few dollars more with a increasing benefit whole life plan like Mass Mutual.

Equitable “Long-Term Care Services Rider” has an increased death benefit option.  This is a very distinctive feature offered for a hybrid life/LTC product.  Most other carriers only allow Option A, a level death benefit, for LTC benefits.

Please request a quote : free and strictly confidential

increasing death benefitLicensed Agent: Sean Drummey
phone: (910) 328-0447

revised: 4/29/2022

Equitable checked 8/1/2022

Hybrid life long-term care looking even better after Prudential’s exits LTC market and increases premiums

Prudential announced it will stop selling individual long term care (LTC) insurance policies at the end of March. Prudential ranked fifth in the LTC market.  They will still sell group products.

In 2011 Prudential announced rate increases on its first and second generation individual LTC policies. The premium rate increase percentage requests were substantial: 18% or 32% on the first generation product, and 15% or 30% on the second generation. That higher tier of increases was on plans with a cash benefit rider.  The actual increase for those policy holder depends on what each state’s Department of Insurance approves.  From what I reviewed, states were approving most of what was requested and premium increase letters were going out this year to Prudential LTC policy holders.

All individual long term care insurance policy holders have to worry about rate increases.  In contrast with a hybrid life insurance LTC policy, the policy owner is able to lock in a fixed premium for life with a guaranteed UL plan.  For those with other retirement or estate planning goals, Indexed UL plans provide an opportunity for cash accumulation and increasing death or long-term care benefits.




Indexed Universal Life (IUL): less blue sky projections

Indexed Universal Life (IUL) illustrations commonly show 7% to 8+% returns based on historical averages over the last 20 to 30 years. Whether or not an Indexed UL can capture that kind of performance over the coming decades is debatable. 2008 bore an unsettling resemblance to 1929, except officials were able to spread foam on the runway.  The Euro’s instability lead to an additional dose of foam for European banks late last year.  All this uncertainty can make Indexed ULs more attractive because guarantees eliminate downside market risk while providing a life insurance benefit.  But what about the upside Certainly 2011’s index results surveyed were below average.  Tops was the Dow Jones Industrial Average at 5.53%.  The S & P 500, the most widely used index, came in at 0%, which is the floor for an Indexed UL regardless.  But then again, seeing blue sky, 2012 is off to a good start, and historically that’s a very good sign.

When reviewing an Indexed UL, it’s prudent to scenario the possibility of lower returns.  I ran a series of comparisons last fall on overfunding an Indexed UL to build cash value for retirement income.  Lincoln performed very well compared to the competition.   I used the S & P 500 Index, annual point-to-point, and Lincoln assumed on the illustration an 8.45% average return.

Over 8%?  How about 5%?
What would returns look like projecting at a more pedestrian 5%?   Assume a male, age 44, excellent health, putting in $25,000 a year in premiums for 20 years with the goal tax-free distributions for retirement income at age 65. Initial death benefit $520,000.

Carrier S&P 500
Cash Value
Year 20,
Age 64
Year 20,
Age 64
Retirement Income
Yrs. 21-40
Ages 65-84
Cash Value
Year 41,
Age 85
Death Benefit
year 41,
Age 85
Lincoln 8.45%  $1,077,926  $1,597,926  $146,326  $830,516  $1,120,514
5.00%     $727,834  $1,247,834    $51,396 $219,059     $317,285

Take a different example with less premium.  $10,000 premium a year for 20 years: male, age 47, excellent health. Initial death benefit $185,000.

Carrier S&P 500
Cash Value
Year 20,
Age 67
Year 20,
Age 67
Retirement Income
Yrs. 21-40,
Ages 68-87
Cash Value
Year 41
Age 88
Death Benefit
year 41,
Age 88
Lincoln 8.45% $424,913 $609,913 $46,590 $186,833 $252,943
5.00% $287,005 $472,005 $19,732 $62,067 $77,698

When shopping for an Indexed Universal Life
All Indexed UL proposals come with full illustrations.  They’re required.  Brochures are okay as a start, but zero in on the illustration’s chart.  An agent can easily generate and email them on .pdf format.   Illustrations are based on current assumptions, for example 8.45% for Lincoln, but can be run with interest rate assumptions anywhere from 0% up to current.  Make sure to request and review lower interest rate assumptions as a counterpoint.

Carrier: Lincoln National Life Insurance Company; Product: ” Lincoln LifeReserve Indexed UL  (2011)”
Quotes run 1/11/2012 and are subject to change.

For your own personalized free quote please contact me.

Sean Drummey
Phone: (910) 328-04447

Participation rates IUL: set sail for cash value

This analogy is fairly close.  Indexed Universal Life (IUL) is like a yacht.  To maximize cash value during market gains, sails are set during favorable conditions.  The mast acts like the cap.  Right now the highest cap rates are running about 14%.  So that is like a 14 foot mast.   The participation rate, or par, acts like a sail, ideally like a spinnaker, to maximize cash value.  Most of the carriers offer a 100% par rate. Many guarantee a 100% par.  But that doesn’t mean the carrier can’t still control crediting cash value in too favorable market conditions.  If the market index went ahead the carrier’s ability to credit, the cap rate would be lowered.  It is like in favorable winds, no matter how large the sail, if the mast is only 8 feet tall, you’re not going to catch as much of those winds.

The overall elements of an Indexed Universal Life: cap, par, fixed account, indexed accounts, cost of insurance, the carrier, needs careful review before selecting the best product.  Just as a yacht, one needs to examine the craft overall:  masts, sails, engine, weight, center board and design.

Surrender Charges on IUL

It’s always good to know the rules for getting money back, so I compared surrender charges for indexed universal life (IUL) carriers.  Surrender charges decrease on a declining schedule.  For the carriers I compared, it takes between 10 to 20 years for those charges to completely go away.  Not surprisingly, Lincoln and Penn Mutual were among those most favorable.

Penn Mutual is the best: no surrender charges after the 9th year, also no surrender charges in excess of target premium.

Target premium is a premium designed maintain a permanent policy for life.  Mind you target is a guidepost for keeping the policy in force, how the policy performs may require more or less premium.  With Indexed Universal Life one strategy is to over fund the policy above target to build additional cash value.  Of the carriers I surveyed, only Penn Mutual and Old Mutual did not require a surrender charge on that portion of the premium.

For example, as in prior comparisons: male age 44, over funding an Indexed UL with $25,000 in premium for 20 years in order to generate tax free retirment income in the form of policy loans.  With Penn Mutual this is a $590,000 increasing face amount policy, and the given target premium is $7,918 a year, but by over funding it with $25,000 in premium, just under the IRS limit for a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC), the policy builds the maximum permissible tax free cash value. That amount between $7,918 and $25,000 would not be subject to surrender charges at any time with Penn Mutual.

The least amount of surrender charges in the shortest period of time is a distinct advantage for an Indexed Universal Life in case there is a change in plans.

Sean Drummey
Contact for a free quote
Phone: (910) 328-0447

Best Indexed Universal Life (IUL) for retirement income: How does AXA Equitable measure up?

Which is the best Indexed Universal Life (IUL) carrier for tax-free policy loans for retirement income?   AXA Equitable has been in 2011 a consistently leading seller for Indexed UL.  Let’s compare AXA side-by-side with other carriers to see how it performs.  AXA product features include four index options.  But beyond reviewing specs like rate caps and guarantees, the most useful way to evaluate carriers is to run policy illustrations using the the same premium and death benefit and compare projected returns.

The Indexed UL structure employed here is to overfund premiums with the minimum amount of death benefit to stay within IRS rules for tax advantaged life insurance.   Then in retirement income take the maximum amount of  tax free loans while still retaining a lifetime death benefit.

This Indexed UL strategy is an alternative for someone in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s to directly investing in equity markets for retirement.  IULs allow you to take advantage of market gains without the downside risk.

Here’s what it looks like for a male age 44 putting in $25,000 a year for 20 years, and then starting at age 65 taking the maximum out in tax free policy loans for retirement income for the next 20 years, while retaining at least a $100,000 death benefit to age 121.  The death benefit starts at about $540,000 for each carrier and increases for years 1 – 20.

Carrier Cash Value
Year 20
Death Benefit
Year 20
Loan Amount
Years 21-40
Cash Value
Year 41
Death Benefit
Year 41
Lincoln  1,072,791  1,611,714   145,602  826,476  1,115,403
North American  1,144,104  1,683,029   147,248  658,775     981,056
Minnesota Life  1,100,898  1,655,898   137,217  584,737     876,987
John Hancock  1,085,171  1,323,908   139,719  614,556    913,093
Transamerica  1,065,637  1,630,637    95,000  215,254    346,582
AXA Equitable     995,284  1,534,207    86,402   98,473    212,604
Aviva     972,524  1,527,524   120,188 *
*yrs. 21-31 only
   83,677    204,366

I quoted AXA Equitable’s S & P 500 current rate which assumes 7.55% which is below the 8% plus range of S & P 500 rates assumed by other carriers, and that does have something to do with its lower cash value and death benefit accumulations on the chart at year 20.

Regardless,  AXA only uses a variable  loan rate which is currently illustrated at 3% policy yeas 1-10 and 2% thereafter.   The rate is the greater of 3% or published monthly average Moody’s Corporate Bond Yield.  Guaranteed not to exceed 15%.  They do not offer a fixed rate.

Since those loan payouts are not competitive with Lincoln’s 5% fixed rate or higher variable rates assumed by the other carriers, AXA Equitable does not appear be competitive.  Best way to find out which carrier is right for you is to request that I email you free quotes in the form of policy illustrations.

Carriers & Products quoted:

Lincoln National Life Insurance Company:  “Lincoln LifeReserve Indexed UL  (2011)”
North American Company for Life and Health Insurance:  “Rapid Builder IUL”
Minnesota Life Insurance Company:  “Eclipse Indexed Life”
John Hancock Life Insurance Company:  “Indexed UL”
Transamerica Life Insurance Company:  “Freedom Global IUL II”
Aviva Life and Annuity Company:  “Advantage Builder Series IV”
AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company:  “Athena Indexed Universal Life”

call Sean (910) 328-0447

Disclaimer:  Information and quotes are current and accurate to the best of my knowledge on November 22, 2011.  Product features and rates are subject to change.  Quotes are non-guaranteed projections based on current interest rates and cost of insurance. Tax information is general information only. Please seek professional tax advice for personal income tax questions and assistance.