After some research this FindLaw article offered the best explanation of Charitable Remainder Trusts. Life insurance is a common component of these trusts to replace for your heirs the money that goes to charity, often with a second-to-die life insurance, also called survivor or survivorship life insurance.
The intriguing question is whether financial planners are offering the best, most objective recommendation for life insurance. Do they play favorites with one or two particular carriers? In 2011 many life carriers have introduced new survivor universal life (SUL) products. I have access to comparison software on SUL for the major carriers. It never hurts to get a second opinion on a proposal for life insurance. Make sure you are provided with a full illustration to any life insurance proposal, and it’s best to review it carefully because your signature is required for that illustration for any permanent life insurance application. They can easily be emailed as an attachment. You could save a great deal of money by comparing apples-to-apples the illustration presented with alternatives from other carriers. I will be glad to provide you free quotes comparing in detail the major life insurance carriers products and premiums.