First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Company
20 Guest Street
Brighton, MA 02135
NAIC Company Code: 69140
website: Global Atlantic
First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Company
P.O. Box 305027
Nashville, TN 37230-5027
Tel: (877) 462-8992
Fax: (800) 351-0603
Traditional life inquiries
Phone: (877) 462-8992
A.M. Best Upgrades Issuer Credit Ratings of Global Atlantic Financial Group and Its Subsidiaries, July 27, 2023
(800) 462-8992 customer service:
When calling there is the following introduction: “Thank you for calling the service center. Please listen carefully as our menu options have changed. Please understand that our customer service staff is here to provide helpful information regarding your inforce policy but cannot provide recommendations or advice.”
When speaking to a customer service representative, that provision is a source for policy owner frustration. However, that disclaimer is legitimate. These customer service reps are there to provide information not advice. Recommendations are more complicated, can have serious financial repercussions and is legitimately outside the purview of the customer service representative. For recommendation or advice you need to speak with a life insurance agent or broker.
Important helpful information:
Term policies:
conversion expiration date
minimum and maximum conversion amounts
what products can convert to
agent of record
Permanent policies:
current policy value
policy value last annual statement
copy of last annual statement
agent of record
Permanent life insurance: Do not assume the coverage will last to age 100 at current premiums. Do not assume this even if policy values are increasing.
Agent advice and recommendations:
Permanent Policies: Inforce Illustations
The agent of record for permanent life insurance may request an in-force life insurance policy illustration.
Typical in-force illustration requests:
1. “as is to age 100”, assumes current premiums and policy charges, projects guaranteed and non-guaranteed lapse date
2. “solve to age 100”, shows how much premium is needed to keep policy in force to age 100
Term policies: conversion
1. conversion quotes
2. comparing conversion to new coverage
To look up your agent of record: NAIC
What if you cannot locate your agent of record? If a licensed life insurance agent agrees to be your agent, and that is not easy because that’s generally an unpaid service, you may submit a letter of instruction requesting that agent become the agent of record for your insurance company. Once processed by the company, your agent of record can request conversion quotes for term and in-force illustration requests for permanent.
Request a Quote for new coverage free and strictly confidential

Sean Drummey
Phone: (910) 328-0447
National Producer #5534308