see also IUL best cap rates
Below is an Index Universal Life (IUL) Participation (par) Rate listing of the major life insurance carriers with a focus on par rates exceeding 100%. For example if the index return for a segment was 4% percent, with a 200% participation rate the interest credit would be 8%. Higher par rates tend to be offered on low volatility indices. A par focused index, given its lower volatility, would enhance steadier crediting returns than the cap rate strategy.
Nationwide is the most notable product for participation (par) rate index strategies.
“Nationwide Indexed UL Accumulator II”
1-Yr J.P. Morgan Mercury® Plus* Uncapped 175% (65% guaranteed)
1-Yr BNP Paribas Global H-Factor® Plus* Uncapped 220% (65% guaranteed)
1-Yr J.P. Morgan Mercury® High Par Uncapped 200% (65% guaranteed)
1-Yr BNP Paribas Global H-Factor® High Par Uncapped 250% (65% guaranteed)
1-Yr J.P. Morgan Mercury® High Par Select Uncapped 240% (65% guaranteed) index strategy charge rate: 1.00% (1.50% guaranteed)
1-Yr BNP Paribas Global H-Factor® High Par Select Uncapped 300% (65% guaranteed) interest strategy charge rate 1.00% (1.50% guaranteed)
Other carrier selections:
American General
“Max Accumulator+ III IUL”
Dividend Blend Participation Rate Strategy Utilizing Franklin Quality Dividend Index, Participation 100%
Blend Participation Rate Strategy Utilizing The Strategic Balanced Index, Participation Rate 100%
Global Blend Participation Rate Strategy Utilizing PIMCO Global Optima Index, participation rate 75%
“Value+Protector III IUL”
Dividend Blend Participation Rate Strategy Utilizing Franklin Quality Dividend Index Participation 100%
Blend Participation Rate Strategy Utilizing The Strategic Balanced Index Participation Rate 90%
Global Blend Participation Rate Strategy Utilizing PIMCO Global Optima Index, participation rate 70%
American National
“Signature Performance IUL”
S&P MARC 5% Excess Return Index Point to Point Uncapped (Low Volatility) 12 Months segment 240% participation rate
John Hancock
“Accumulation IUL 23”
Barclays Global MA Bonus: 105% (125% effective 3/15/2024)
Barclays Global MA Classic: 130% (145% effective 3/15/2024)
Barclays Global MA Plus: 150% (165% effective 3/15/2024)
“WealthAccelerate IUL – 10/16/23”
Fidelity AIM Fixed Bonus 155% (25% guaranteed minimum)
“WealthAccumulate 2 IUL (2020)-02/12/24”
Fidelity AIM Fixed Bonus 170% (25% guaranteed minimum)
Fidelity AIM High Participation Rate 210% (25% guaranteed minimum)
“WealthPreserve 2 IUL (2020)-02/13/23”
Fidelity AIM Fixed Bonus 170% (25% guaranteed minimum)
Fidelity AIM high participation Rate 210% (25% guaranteed minimum)
“WealthPreserve 2 Survivorship IUL (2022)-02/13/23”
Fidelity AIM Fixed Bonus 170% (25% guaranteed minimum)
Fidelity AIM High Participation Rate 210% (25% guaranteed minimum)
Mutual of Omaha – United of Omaha
“Income Advantage IUL”
S&P 500® One-Year High Participation Current 140.0% (110% guaranteed) segment cap 7%
B of A ® U.S. Agility Index: One-Year Uncapped Current 185.0% (50% guaranteed)
“Income Protection Advantage”
S&P 500® One-Year High Participation Current 140.0% (110% guaranteed) segment cap 6%
B of A ® U.S. Agility Index: One-Year Uncapped Current 165.0% (50% guaranteed)
“Symetra Accumulator Ascent IUL 2.0”
Putnam Dynamic Low Volatility Excess Return Index
With Bonus 1-Year Index Participation Rate current 180.00% (guaranteed 50.00%)
Putnam Dynamic Low Volatility Index Excess Return Index
With High Participation Rate Index Participation Rate current 212.50% (guaranteed 65.00%)
“Symetra Protector IUL 5.0”
Putnam Dynamic Low Volatility Excess Return Index
With Bonus 1-Year Index Participation Rate current Participation Rate 180.00% (guaranteed 50.00%)
Putnam Dynamic Low Volatility Index Excess Return Index
With High Participation Rate Index Participation Rate current Participation Rate 212.50% (guaranteed 65.00%)
Lincoln National “Lincoln WealthPreserve®2 Survivorship IUL
210% Fidelity AIM® Dividend Index
Pacific Life “Pacific Horizon Survivorship IUL”
180% 1-Year Volatility Control Indexed Account, BlackRock Endura
210% 1-Year High Par Volatility Control Indexed Account, BlackRock Endura
Securian “Eclipse Survivor II Indexed Universal Life”
200% S&P PRISM® 1 year Uncapped
John Hancock “Protection Survivorship Indexed UL”
160% High Par Capped
160% Barclays Global MA Plus
140% Barclays Global Classic
110% Barclays Global Bonus
Please contact me for a free confidential quote

Sean Drummey
phone: (910) 328-0447
updated 3/6/2024 Rates subject to change. Accuracy and completeness not guaranteed.
Nationwide: revised 3/6/2024, effective 3/15/2024
Surviorship added 3/4/2024
Lincoln: revised 2/13/2024
John Hancock revised 2/6/2024