United States Life Insurance Company in the City of New York
2727 Allen Parkway, 3D-1
Houston, TX 77019
Tel: (703) 522-1111
Group: Corebridge Financial, Inc.
NAIC Company Code: 70106
Total Assets (in thousands): 31,668,025
Total Liabilities (in thousands): 30,034,976
Independent Ratings
A.M. Best A 3rd of 15 rankings
Standard & Poor’s A+ 5th of 20 rankings
Moody’s A2 6th of 21 rankings
Fitch A+ 5th of 18 ranking
Comdex 80 (composite of all carrier ratings on a scale of 100)
Fitch Affirms AIG Ratings; Outlook Stable: February 27, 2023
A.M. Best affirms Credit Ratings of AIG Life & Retirement Group: outlook stable: December 16, 2022
AIG Life & Retirement is now Corebridge Financial

Sean Drummey
email: spdrummey@gmail.com
tel. (910) 328-0447
Assets and Liability information current as of 12/31/2022
Rating information current as of 11/1/2023
last updated: 11/9/2023 – ratings subject to change