William Penn Life Insurance Company of New York
3275 Bennett Creek Avenue
Frederick, MD 21704
(516) 794-3700
note: William Penn solely operates in the state of New York. Banner Life insures in 49 states, including D.C.
parent company: The Legal & General America
Website: Legal & General America
Form: Stock
NAIC company code: 66230
Assets: 1,357,047 (in thousands)
Liabilities: 1,242,928 (in thousands)
Independent Ratings
A.M. Best A+ 2nd of 15 rankings
Standard & Poor’s AA- 4th of 20 rankings
Moody’s Not Rated
Fitch AA- 4th
Comdex 94 Comdex is a composite ranking of an insurer’s ratings.
Fitch Affirms Legal & General’s IFS at AA- Outlook to Stable; Affirms IFS at AA-, September 1, 2023
A.M Best: Affirms Ratings of Legal & General America Group, Outlook Stable: Nov. 3, 2023

Sean Drummey
telephone: (910) 328-0447
email: spdrummey@gmail.com
Licensed life agent in New York
Assets and Liability information is current as of December 31, 2022
Ratings are current as of 1/2/2024
last updated: 1/3/2024, ratings subject to change